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We’re looking forward to talking with you!

You're in great company 👇

Jessica Teal Teal Media

When we first started working with Michelle 3 years ago, she said we would be a $10M company. At the time, I couldn't even imagine what that looked like, kind of laughed it off, and told her I would settle for $5M. Well, Michelle proved me wrong. We not only achieved that $10M goal post that Michelle said we were capable of, we surpassed it. Which reminds me, when in doubt, trust Michelle. That woman is a powerhouse soothsayer.

Ryan Irvin Change Media

Before working with Michelle, I thought I had a firm grasp on success. She proved me wrong in the best way possible. With finesse and insight, Michelle has this uncanny ability to see potential where others don't. She's not just a coach; she's a game-changer. If you have the chance to work with her, take it.

Morgan Bonwell Right Strategies

As a new business owner in the political industry, things come at you quickly. Right from the start, Michelle and the PBI team helped me get a firm grasp on where we are at and where we want to be in the years to come. We have been working on essentials like business development and financial forecasting. This development program is exactly what we needed to understand the back end of our business and allows us to work that much harder for our clients.

Jessica Grennan Simple Majority

Michelle is a guiding force, a kick-ass, a supportive hug and a helpful hand — sometimes all at once. From the basics to targeting audiences to getting over your own shit, having her whole team rooting for my success is making my business a reality, even during the most challenging personal time.