Management Mastery

This summer, we’re putting together a small group of political business executives and training them to be great managers. 

It’s called Management Mastery because we create a simple outcome.

We’ll turn you into an amazing manager in 6 weeks.

And then you’ll be able to inspire teams to greatness for the rest of your career.

This is perfect for you if you’re a boss in a political agency or consulting firm and want your team to show up and work together in ways you never dreamed possible.

It is also perfect for anyone working underneath you who needs to learn how to manage the folks underneath – them -. 

Becoming a great manager is the most efficient way to make sure you’re getting amazing results for your clients, get repeat business and referrals, and generate plenty of profit in your business…

…AND have a really good time at work (without constant internal drama)!

Michelle and the PBI team will go over everything you need to know to feel GREAT about management and to be AMAZING at it.

You’ll walk away knowing:

Now, I assume you have questions, like:

  • How to assume a position of authority without coming off as a giant jerkface
  • How to hire to build a dream team…and quickly identify and gently release anyone who isn’t working out 
  • How to manage individuals according to their personalities…and how to manage conflict between teammates
  • And of course, how to elicit peak performance from your team

When and where?

We’re kicking off on July 11th with our first group call at 12 pm EST. 

We recommend allocating 2-3 hours per week.

We’ll put you inside our learning portal.

Give you access to an exclusive series of training modules.

You’ll have access to Michelle and the rest of your coaches via email daily. 

And then each week, on Thursday at 12 pm EST, you’ll jump on a call with your coaches and fellow bosses.

How does it work?

We want to work with people who are committed to showing up, applying the teachings, and getting results.

We will only run this course once per year, and we are only talking to people about it this week. If you’re reading this, it’s because we are personally inviting YOU knowing that you’ll get a lot out of it.

Management Mastery is in a course format that consists of short, high-level training modules (you’ll watch one per week, about 30 minutes each), quick homework assignments designed to allow you to apply what you’ve learned to YOUR specific situation, weekly group Q&A calls on Thursdays, and individual check-in calls with your coach at your halfway and end points. 

During our time together we’ll hang out in our private little group and discuss the specific management strategies that are going to work best for YOUR business, in THIS industry, given YOUR personality.

If you remain coachable and implement what we’re teaching you to do, you WILL get a huge return on this investment.

How much time do I need?

The course runs for 6 weeks, starting July 11th. 

We recommend allocating 2-3 hours a week.

What do I need to bring?

Only your FINE self. And feel free to come as you are – that’s the beauty of working together online!

What’s the investment?

It will cost you a fortune in employee turnover and time dealing with internal team issues if you miss this.

That said…

Your investment for Management Mastery is $5k, paid in full, up front.

You’ll make this back in team time saved within a month. 

How do I get a spot?

If you’ve read the questions above and meet the requirements, just DM me “I’m in!”

Then I’ll get you all set up.

We are ONLY enrolling folks in this course until July 11th. 

First come, first served.